

Destiny, a word that often makes our hair stand on end and arouses all kinds of fears. One of the reasons is that destiny has a bad reputation, as it is accompanied by the reputation of being unchangeable and that we are its hostages, helpless to change anything. Fortunately, the truth is not exactly like that, because changes are always possible, but the vast majority of people still prove the unchangeability of fate with their outdated and limiting beliefs. Moreover, such a situation even suits us, because sometimes we use destiny as an excuse or justification and it comes in handy to defend the existing situation, and sometimes destiny is an excellent excuse for false modesty, especially when circumstances are in our favor (well, what can you do, it's destiny...) However, for me, destiny is like a framework and a sketch, and it's up to us how we will fill that frame and turn the sketch into a drawing or even better, a painting. For example, the soul sets out to gain some exp

The Summer Solstice

This summer, on 20.06.2024, begins another summer solstice. The most powerful day of the year, when the Sun is at the peak of its strength and at its highest point in the sky, at least as it concerns the northern hemisphere of Earth. On the other hand, on the southern hemisphere of our planet, the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. It’s interesting how one event can have a completely different manifestation, because as long as we are on Earth and in this material dimension, things are relative and dependent on the point of view. So, what is happening these days in the sky? This magnificent display in the sky is due to the movement of the Earth around the Sun. Earth's path along the imaginary circle we call the ecliptic has come to the extreme point from where it returns on the other side of the circle. It's like a peak because the Earth's orbit around the Sun is more elliptical, an elongated circle, and precisely those two ends of that circle on Earth are manifested as

Astrology from scratch

So even when we take crayon in hand and make our first scratch on the clean, white, empty canvas, what do we know before that? Of course, we need some instructions. Like how to hold the crayons and what effect it can make.  So the essential things are instructions, some guidelines how to cope with this vast knowledge, how to learn all this combination and understand and grasp the stories and even after we learn all this, after getting some feeling of all of this we are still like surgeon that holds his tool in hand and  has to make his first cut, with no experience at all, just theory and a lot of hours of observing his more experienced colleagues how they made their operations. It is the matter of life and death, both in example of the surgeon as in case of astrology. The first one can kill by mistake of the tools, making wrong cut, the astrologer can kill by his words, giving someone unintentionally lie that there is some happiness waiting for us, or some disaster is lurking. Disappo

Astrology - introduction

 So you are attracted to read this post about astrology. This means you are guided by stars, right here and it's no coincidence. Since you are here, welcome to my blog about astrology. This post is the very first one I wrote, and there will be many others, covering many astrological topics. Some of them will be very familiar but it will bring new perspectives and some of them will be topics that are not so familiar, that others didn't discuss so much or that will be something completely new  Anyway this blog has purpose to inform readers about astrology from scratch. Meaning that all will understand what's about. It will give inspiration for those who want learn astrology but never tried, as well as it will provide resources to learn, book recommendations, and what is the recommendable plan to learn and how to learn. How to learn astrology is really rare topic but it is essential to know how to learn. The golden rule is keep things as simple as possible, which is not always