The Summer Solstice

This summer, on 20.06.2024, begins another summer solstice. The most powerful day of the year, when the Sun is at the peak of its strength and at its highest point in the sky, at least as it concerns the northern hemisphere of Earth.

On the other hand, on the southern hemisphere of our planet, the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. It’s interesting how one event can have a completely different manifestation, because as long as we are on Earth and in this material dimension, things are relative and dependent on the point of view.

So, what is happening these days in the sky?

This magnificent display in the sky is due to the movement of the Earth around the Sun. Earth's path along the imaginary circle we call the ecliptic has come to the extreme point from where it returns on the other side of the circle. It's like a peak because the Earth's orbit around the Sun is more elliptical, an elongated circle, and precisely those two ends of that circle on Earth are manifested as a solstice or sun stop.

Furthermore, today the Sun will be perpendicular to the Earth at noon across all points of the line representing the Tropic of Cancer, and then no shadows will be seen. The Tropic of Cancer line is located at 23° 26' 22'' north of the Equator. While south of the Equator at the same distance lies the Tropic of Capricorn.

These geographical parallels have been named after the constellations in which the Sun was located at the time.

The Tropic of Cancer passes through Africa, going through the southern parts of Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt, continuing through Saudi Arabia and Oman, including the capital city of Muscat, and further across the Indian Ocean, intersecting India, parts of Myanmar, Thailand, China, and Taiwan, thus closing the circle across the Pacific Ocean and proceeding over Mexico and the Atlantic back to Africa.ć

Thus, the Sun reminds us again this year of the endless cycles that continuously repeat, but each time bringing new messages and changes. 

Every time the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, it signifies its strongest position of the year, while the arrangement of the other planets hints at events in the new cycle.

Thus, Neptune and Uranus, planets on the edge of the signs they have been in for years, are showing signs of change. Uranus in Taurus will slowly shift into Gemini over the next year, and Neptune will move from Pisces into Aries. These are significant changes primarily in the energy that these planets will emit.

However, this arrangement of planets during the solstice does not only speak of possible future events but also about future generations of souls that will descend to Earth these days. Babies born during these days, especially those at noon, will have the Sun with Mercury and Venus at the zenith, at the top of their horoscope.

These are generations whose actions we will only feel in about 20 years, which will be active under completely different circumstances, but will be shaped, grow, and develop in our familiar, current circumstances. What we implant and pass on to them will significantly determine their life path.

Therefore, when you are setting intentions, desires, or goals and plans these days, leave room for at least one global intention for the coming generations, to find the best way both for themselves and for others as they face challenges and problems on their path, so that they always have a wider vision and level of consciousness on that path, one that will transcend today's and that will enable them to make decisions with as few harmful consequences as possible for themselves and for those around them.

In any case, whether they will play key roles in families, companies, or more broadly in their communities, let us wish them above all a lot of wisdom, prudence, and strength for all that awaits them on their path.

At this moment, we need inner peace, patience, and wisdom, which can never be enough to overcome all the challenges of the present. Therefore, wish something good for others, for people beside you, for those you love to love them even more, for those you do not love or who oppress you also wish them all the best and a happy journey to leave your life, but may they not leave before you realize the lesson they bring, because otherwise, some other will come.

Enjoy these days, open yourself to new opportunities and possibilities, and greet the summer with joy and happiness.


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