
Destiny, a word that often makes our hair stand on end and arouses all kinds of fears. One of the reasons is that destiny has a bad reputation, as it is accompanied by the reputation of being unchangeable and that we are its hostages, helpless to change anything.

Fortunately, the truth is not exactly like that, because changes are always possible, but the vast majority of people still prove the unchangeability of fate with their outdated and limiting beliefs.

Moreover, such a situation even suits us, because sometimes we use destiny as an excuse or justification and it comes in handy to defend the existing situation, and sometimes destiny is an excellent excuse for false modesty, especially when circumstances are in our favor (well, what can you do, it's destiny...)

However, for me, destiny is like a framework and a sketch, and it's up to us how we will fill that frame and turn the sketch into a drawing or even better, a painting.

For example, the soul sets out to gain some experience, say, a parental relationship.

In that, there is some fixed part of fate which cannot change and some variable part which can change and this is much larger than the fixed one (but we usually don't know this, so we latch on to that fixed part).

The way the soul accomplishes this varies and is determined by the level of consciousness. Some will adopt a child, others will give birth to a child and drown in obligations, while others will take care of children and have a completely different approach, giving them a breadth of perspective and consciousness they could not have had if they lived with their biological parents.

To be able to change fate, we would first need to find out where we stand, what cards we are playing with in this life, or what our life map looks like. Often, we hold ourselves back through fear or disbelief that there is something like fate, or who can know or see the fate. Maybe some old lady fortune teller?

I too had a great fear of peeking into fate, but it is not the fate that scares us, but the uncertainty and resistance to look deeper into ourselves. 

It's like looking in the mirror, and we don't really like that, do we? Only here it's about the inside, which is easier to leave in the dark.

Astrology can help us in this by introducing us to ourselves. This is the first step and astrology does it excellently through the planets. It's no longer that I am selfish, but rather that my Sun is on the ascendant, I am not miserly but Saturn is in a fixed sign, so I have to learn to give. We can immediately talk more easily about it because we no longer identify with our traits. And that's one of the great things that astrology offers us.

Besides, there is no condemnation, sin, or guilt in astrology for being who we are. These feelings only hold us back and do not make us better, as we tend to deceive ourselves. This is another heavy burden in our self-assessment. And when we start to understand this, getting to know ourselves through the natal chart, we realize that some relationships and stories - themes, are repeating in our lives, only the actors change. Except when we recognize things, then the stories, circumstances, and actors change.

Through astrology, we also recognize that we are not defined by societal and our own personal limitations, expectations, and beliefs, but only by free will, and it has a reach only as wide as the consciousness.

For instance, we live a life in which we are convinced that we are victims of other people and circumstances, that we're powerless to change our own life situations, and we race through life as if on a bobsled track, where the only choice we can make is to go right, left, or straight. Everything else is predetermined because as we know, a bobsled track does not offer many choices. In that scenario, the level of consciousness does not provide a broad view, and we just race through life, sometimes even screaming helplessly (in our illusion) that we can't change anything. And then it can happen that life throws us off the bobsled track and we get a totally different perspective, thus we change our destiny and way of life, as well.

It can also happen that over time, we elevate ourselves above our limitations in a gentler way, so instead of riding a bobsled track, we might step through a forest, still not seeing much, but it's better than before. We might see some other paths, and it seems that we have more to choose from.

Astrology gives us the opportunity to look at our life as a map (without necessarily having to go through tough situations to become aware), where we see many streets, crossings, and possibilities, and at the same time, it raises our awareness that we don't have to be slaves to limiting beliefs.

Thus, we can decide to work on ourselves, through some spiritual training, with a teacher, or in some other way, and so we continue to raise our level of consciousness. Now we have a map that astrology has provided us, so from a much wider perspective, we can look not only at our own life but understand much more, understand others and ourselves better, and we have greater tolerance for what happens in our life, for ourselves and for others. 

In the end, we understand that every situation is there for us to learn something and that every problem comes with a solution.

Every new realization changes our fate, as it brings new possibilities, opens new crossroads and solutions, and the outcomes of life situations become more varied. Meanwhile, getting to know our natal chart more, we can more easily jump over or bypass obstacles and better utilize our positive sides, while we slowly correct our negative aspects and turn them into positives.

Fate has many facets and layers, just as life itself is multilayered and has many sides, and sometimes it really isn't easy to grasp and coordinate everything in everyday life.

Therefore, I wish you lots of courage, skillfulness in life, and new discoveries, so that 'during the ride' through life, you can change your fate on the go and move on new roads towards enlightenment.


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