Astrology from scratch

So even when we take crayon in hand and make our first scratch on the clean, white, empty canvas, what do we know before that?

Of course, we need some instructions. Like how to hold the crayons and what effect it can make. 

So the essential things are instructions, some guidelines how to cope with this vast knowledge, how to learn all this combination and understand and grasp the stories and even after we learn all this, after getting some feeling of all of this we are still like surgeon that holds his tool in hand and  has to make his first cut, with no experience at all, just theory and a lot of hours of observing his more experienced colleagues how they made their operations.

It is the matter of life and death, both in example of the surgeon as in case of astrology. The first one can kill by mistake of the tools, making wrong cut, the astrologer can kill by his words, giving someone unintentionally lie that there is some happiness waiting for us, or some disaster is lurking. Disappointing in the lie in the first example and waiting and living in some acceptations of some disaster will come kill us, can make your life harder and making yourself to be programmed which is dangerous too. Because such situation doesn't give you the space being opened for new opportunities and you live in this little box with your great expectations that will never come.

So the very first instruction would be setting the moral values that you have to keep in your mind, especially when you will be in position to read natal charts to others  some day.

So the first instruction would be:

1. Don't use the knowledge you will get to terrify yourself and others.

The point is not to make yourself superior, showing off with your knowledge, nor to play God making judgements, but to show what is on the table. What are the play cards that someone has in his life, figuratively speaking. And it's on the person how these cards will be used. 

Be fair and opened to show where are the possibilities and where are obstacles or dangers. How to use situations to get as much as possible positive experience, learn and acquire new characteristics, skills or abilities.

Astrology is a tool, not a magic wand. And the tool is as good as good are the hands that hold it. In the case of astrologer it is the level of consciousness.

2. Know your self - maybe this would be better to be the first rule, however this is the light motif that passes through the whole time of astrology studying. Actually it should be our whole life task.  

The more you know yourself, the more you understand the others. Astrology will help you in reaching that goal on very subtle way, without triggering the feeling of guilt. During the time of learning astrology, you can also blame the planets for your life situation, but eventually you will realise the truth and accept it.

The feeling for tolerance is the good indicator weather you are on the right path or not. 

3. Keep things simple as possible. 

At the very beginning of learning astrology and later when reading the natal charts, you may feel as you don't know enough and that all your knowledge you have, can be written down in five sentences. Which of course isn't true.

But you don't know that you know something. This knowledge you have is just enough for you or for the person you are reading his natal chart in that moment. So keep it simple as possible, always.

Especially when you will learn, keep things simple as possible. Learn steps by step, learn basics. No matter how simple it seems just remember what you learnt and try to grasp the core meaning.

Imagine you have 4 year old kid in front of you and you try to explain him the topic you have learnt. If you can find simple words or even better, some pictures to compare that will help make easier to understand some complex astrological terms and you have good feeling that this kid could understand you, then you are on the right way..

So I hope that these instructions make sense to you, because there is another set of instructions no one tells you and it is how to learn astrology and this my dear reader is the topic of the next post.


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